Automating the Update Service Jobs routine

It is possible to set a routine through the Scheduler to run the Update Service Jobs routine

NB: The Scheduler must be active to run the routine, if you don’t have a Scheduler set up or it is not active please contact the Support Desk

  • Go to System ¦ Utilities ¦ Scheduler

  • Click on the ‘Create’ button in the bottom left corner and select ‘Task’

  • A new task window will open, amend the name to a suitable title. If only one schedule is being created you can use Update Service Jobs or if multiple tasks are being used you can be more specific to differentiate between the tasks
  • On the ‘Type’‘ drop down select ‘Maintenance’ and in the second field select ‘Update Service Jobs’
  • In the Start Date/Time select when you would like the task to start running
  • In the ‘Repeat Every’ fields select the frequency that you’d like to task to run
  • In the Send Message to field you can select a recipient to receive notifications then there are three options:
  • Always – Sends a notification every time the task is run to inform if it has been successful or failed
  • On Failure – Sends a notification if the task hasn’t been successful
  • On Success – Sends a notification if the task has run successfully

      • The Job Creation Scheduling section determines the time period of Service Due you want to include and also allows you to specify a particular group of contracts if required. The time scale goes up to but doesn’t include, so if you scheduled to run the task starting on the 1st of the month to include 7 days, the routine would check the dates 1st – 6th inclusive (it wouldn’t include the 7th)
      • The Group field is a drop down selection that allows you to specify one particular Maintenance Contract Group (See further below for instructions how to manage the groups)
      • The tick box ‘Include Asset Equipment’ should be selected if you wish to include your assets in the routine

      • Click on OK to make the Task Live

Maintenance Groups – The list is maintained in System ¦ Maintenance ¦ Contract Group


      • The Contact Groups can be Added and Edited in this section. The Group can then be assigned to a Maintenance Contract Type through the same menu System ¦ Maintenance ¦Contract Types

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