Enhanced Password Security Options

User Password Strength:
Users can now choose what level of password strength they wish to enforce within the system and are standardised across the office system, mobile solution & customer web interface.
Settings ¦ Other ¦ User Password Strength:

  • Low 6 characters Default Value on Upgrade.
  • Medium 8 characters.
  • High 8 characters (Must contain uppercase, lowercase, numbers & symbols).

Max Number of Login Attempts:

To prevent brute force attacks users can now specify how many unsuccessful attempts can be made to log into Protean before the account is locked.

There is a new setting to control this -”User Max No of Login Attempts”. Leaving this setting blank, or entering 0 is taken to mean that no limit is to be applied.

Should an account (Employee or Customer) become locked then it can be unlocked by going to the appropriate form – There will be a message in red text informing you that the account the locked and an ‘unlock’ button, Clicking the button reset the account and it can be used again.:

  • Employee Log In Tab
  • Customer Accounts Tab

There will be a message in red text informing you that the account the locked and an ‘unlock’ button, Clicking the button reset the account and it can be used again.

Password Allow Re-use:
A new option has been added for users to improve their level of login security if they wish. This settings default value is ’No’ to maintain current practice. By choosing ’Yes’ here the system will ensure that when users change their passwords, they will not be able to select something they have used in the past. In this way the system is more secure from illegal logins.

Password Expiry Length:
Simply enter the number of days you wish the passwords to last for. So if you want to enforce users having to select new passwords every year you would enter 365 in the setting. Entering 0 is taken to mean that you do not want to use this feature and passwords will last indefinitely.

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