Job Type Missing

You may find that after creating a new Job Type that the job type is not available to select in the drop down lists of job types on a job.

The reason for this is because the new job type has not been set to be ‘allowed’ for the status of the equipment on the job.

To resolve this, you will need to follow the instructions as per the below example:

  1. Check the status of the piece of any pieces of equipment on the job by clicking into the equipment record(s).
  2. Keeping the equipment status in mind, go to: System > Job Type Defaults.
  3. Go to the Equipment tab and select the status relevant to the pieces of equipment on the job from the drop down.
  4. Here, Tick the new job type to ‘allow’ it for the piece of equipment. Click Apply and OK to save these changes.
  5. Return to the job and you should now see the job type available to select.

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